Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items
  • 11,43€ In Stock

    "A Life Filled with Dance” is a book in Polish describing the events of 20 years related to dance in life. This is presented in the form of an interview between Józef Przemieniecki and his brother Wojciech Przemieniecki: dancer, Polish champion in Latin American dances, trainer, judge, husband and father.The book is A5 format, contains 111...

    In Stock
  • 6,90€ In Stock

    The success of a dance pair is highly dependent on the specific skills they should possess as partners and the work we put into its development. Similarly, in partner relationships, life partners should have specific skills and at the same time should be open to their improvement.  

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  • 9,52€ In Stock

    The album shows a obligatory repertoire of basic shapes. Each figure is described, counted and displayed front and rear camera, allowing for easy learning steps for men and women. Choreography shows the connection of the presented figures. Convenient menu makes it easy to jump to the next steps. Material very useful judges, instructors and dance teachers.

    In Stock
  • 9,52€ In Stock

    The album shows a obligatory repertoire of basic shapes. Each figure is described, counted and displayed front and rear camera, allowing for easy learning steps for men and women.   Choreography shows the connection of the presented figures. Convenient menu makes it easy to jump to the next steps. Material very useful judges, instructors and dance...

    In Stock
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items
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