Lycra stretchable in both directions with print "METALLIC". Depending on the angle of light, we get Multicolour range of colors. Width 145cm printing The colors depend on the settings of your monitor. Price is per 1m.
Preciosa stones are crystals with a flat base, beautiful cut with a silver foil without glue. To find out the price for 1 gross (144pcs), select the size.
Preciosa stones are crystals with a flat base, beautiful cut with a silver foil without glue. To find out the price for 1 gross (144pcs), select the size.
Preciosa stones are crystals with a flat base, beautiful cut with a silver foil without glue. To find out the price for 1 gross (144pcs), select the size.
Preciosa stones are crystals with a flat base, beautiful cut with a silver foil without glue. To find out the price for 1 gross (144pcs), select the size.
Preciosa stones are crystals with a flat base, beautiful cut with a silver foil without glue. To find out the price for 1 gross (144pcs), select the size.
Preciosa stones are crystals with a flat base, beautiful cut with a silver foil without glue. To find out the price for 1 gross (144pcs), select the size.
Swarovski stones with silver foil on a flat basis with hoes for sewing. The stones are sold by piece. 3D
Swarovski stones with silver foil on a flat basis with hoes for sewing. Unfoiled is a stone without silver foil on the base.The stones are sold by piece. 3D
Swarovski stones with silver foil on a flat basis with hoes for sewing. The stones are sold by piece. 3D
Swarovski stones with silver foil on a flat basis with hoes for sewing. The stones are sold by piece. 3D
Swarovski stones with silver foil on a flat basis with hoes for sewing. The stones are sold by piece. 3D
Swarovski stones with silver foil on a flat basis with hoes for sewing. The stones are sold by piece. 3D
Swarovski stones with silver foil on a flat basis with hoes for sewing. The stones are sold by piece. 3D
Stellux stones with silver foil on a flat basis with hoes for sewing. The stones are sold by piece.
Stellux stones with silver foil on a flat basis with hoes for sewing. The stones are sold by piece.
Stellux stones with silver foil on a flat basis with hoes for sewing. The stones are sold by piece.
Fringes made out of flat hologram sequin tape. Fringe length: 42cm + 4cm tape width.
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