The printed catalog contains basic information about Chrisanne Clover products offered by WIKA Polska - the official distributor of CC in the European Union. 28 pages in A5 format present:- a table of available material types in colors- a category "select a color" with fabrics and accessories- zircons matching the appropriate colors- new products...
Up to 6 samples (pieces): fabrics, fringes, we send FREE OF CHARGE. The customer only pays the cost of transport. Please add this product to the basket in the order comment, specify the type of samples and colours Choose option of delivery: Pick up at the Wika shop in Olsztyn. Samples will be send by Post - Registered...
Chrisanne-Clover Catalog. It contains tabs with samples of all shades of basic materials: lycra, lycra lustree, satin chiffon, stretch net, georgette, crepe, velvet, etc., lace. and tabs for sewing accessories and all other materials. Catalogue CC on-line
Catalog in the Wika binder containing tabs with all material samples:organz, men's fabrics, lycra,mesh, lace, decorative fabrics, velours,sewing accessories and decorations:sequins, glass, woven and sequin tassels, mirrors
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