Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items
  • 0,06€ 0,07€ -10% In Stock

    Swarovski crystals with a flat base, a beautiful cut with silver foil without adhesive. The diameter of the zircon SS10 = 2.8mm Most often used to decorate nails. The stones are sold grossy for pcs. Price per 1 pcs 3D

    0,06€ 0,07€ -10%
    In Stock
  • 0,06€ 0,07€ -10% In Stock

    Stones Swarovski crystals with a flat base and beautiful cut with silver foil without glue. Size of square 3mm x 3mm  The stone most often used to decorate nails. The stones are sold by pcs. 3D  

    0,06€ 0,07€ -10%
    In Stock
  • 1,67€ In Stock

    Swarovski stones button with silver foil on a flat basis with hoes for sewing. The stones are sold by piece. 17mm 3D

    In Stock
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items
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